With Q2 (June) 2019 completed, we are delighted to report at Guy Simmonds that we experienced buoyant sales and completions for the first half of this year. Business sales are up for us 16% compared with the corresponding first half year in the previous year - 2018.


This is despite many economists constantly lamenting that the domestic housing and commercial market is depressed in 2019, due to the prolonged Brexit debacle, together with UK and Worldwide uncertainty. We are confident that the second half of 2019 will continue to be extremely good for Guy Simmonds and in consequence our valued clients. We currently have an excellent 'pipeline' of businesses firmly 'under offer' and in many areas a 'waiting list' of our purchasers seeking a suitable freehold or quality desirable leasehold business.

Many sectors of commercial businesses are constantly in demand at Guy Simmonds, including: Pubs, Restaurants, Licensed Businesses, Hotels, Coffee Shops, Tea Rooms, Fast Food Restaurants and Takeaways etc... diversity of recent individual business sales premiums/prices in 2019 at Guy Simmonds, have ranged from £9,000 leasehold up to circa £1.5m freehold.


We have just invested further and significantly in the latest innovative web technology, new website plus generic domain names, to further enhance our successful and unique marketing strategy. However, we are always conscious that this must also be complimented by offering both our vendor clients and our valued purchasers, a high degree of personal 'old fashioned' service, from our experienced office staff and regional Sales Directors.

We know from experience this is warmly welcomed by our clients. We have adhered to this successful formula for over 35 years, throughout various economic cycles.


Without doubt, market and trading conditions are challenging in the licensed trade and other commercial business sales, but our job of an experienced and successful agent is to value businesses professionally and pragmatically, relating to current market conditions, whilst of course being mindful of our vendors realistic expectations.

We are also proven specialists at advising retiring freehold business owners, upon the option of creating a new highly desirable free-of-tie lease, thereby retaining the appreciating freehold asset, whilst receiving sustainable and long-term investment monthly 'pension' income - linked to RPI inflation.

The Business

For shrewd buyers 2019 also represents an excellent opportunity to buy or lease a business, and negotiate a favourable deal in the current market. Many leasehold opportunities are currently available giving an attractive circa 50% return on initial investment, whilst there are some substantial freehold businesses offering in excess of 10% annual return on investment/the purchase price - in addition to providing family living accommodation and hopefully an attractive lifestyle.

Stephen Taylor

Managing Director

Guy Simmonds

Guy Simmonds

Looking to buy a Pub? Sell a Pub? Looking to buy an Inn? Sell an Inn?

Please visit www.guysimmonds.co.uk to see all of our licensed businesses for sale including hotels for sale, pubs for sale, restaurants for sale etc.

Looking to Buy a hotel? Buy a Pub? Buy a Restaurant? Please visit www.guysimmonds.co.uk to see all of our licensed businesses for sale.

Or please

PHONE 01332 865112


email: info@guysimmonds.co.uk